Come to the Fall Gathering


Come to the 10/21 Zooooom Membership Meeting instead!

S P E C I A L   M E M B E R S H I P   M E E T I N G
6:30 – 8:30PM
With special guests and songs!
Costumes welcome!

Contact the office for the Zoom Invite!
All welcome! Do not need to be a member to attend!

Membership expired or expiring soon? Renew here!

Proposed Agenda

6:30pm          Introductions
7:00pm          Legislative Update
7:10pm          Zero Waste Schools Committee update plus Speaker
7:25pm          Sing-along!
7:45pm          Zero Food Waste Committee update plus David Hott, Director Of Operations, Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen, San Jose CA
8:00pm          Open Discussion

Climate Change Solutions for the Future, 10/21

Watch the Recording!

ZWAC talks with soil experts for climate change solutions

Contact NCRA to learn more about ZWAC and get involved

IMPORTANT – Recycling Update Meeting Preferences Survey

We want to know what you think!

Recycling Update 2021 will be held on October 5. As always, the NCRA Board and RU Committees are working to set up an engaging and informative event.

This year, we want to be particularly sensitive as we navigate the COVID transition. To better serve you, please fill out this short anonymous survey ASAP or before August 15:

Members                  Non-Members