
Want to help out for an afternoon or more, have fun and develop a new skill or freshen old ones? NCRA has a collaborative committee system and volunteer opportunities of all kinds, durations and levels!

NCRA has seven on-going committees and a few task specific ones. All meet via Zoom; a few have face to face meetings on occasion.

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity: The DEI Committee’s mission is to drive meaningful intersectional change across all aspects of our work. Co-Chairs: Felisia Castaneda and Julia Au. Read more…

Finance: Led by the Treasurer, the finance committee is responsible for accounting reports and budgets. Chair: Randy Russell.

Membership, Engagement and Activities : Read more… Chair: Alina Bekkerman.

Social Media:  Oversees the primary social media outlets – LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, Chair: Jessica Robinson.

Zero Waste Advocacy:  NCRA’s action arm to strive towards Zero Waste, we encourage communities to incorporate waste reduction, reuse, recycling, salvaging, and composting as the principle parts of their discard management systems. We advocate long-range policies that facilitate these practices. We try to rock the boat NCRA style. Read more… Co-Chairs: Bailey Hall and Doug Brooms

Zero Food Waste Committee:  Focused SB1383, especially those elements which address food waste. We plan to continue sharing resources and innovations to help NCRA members and local jurisdictions understand the requirements and how to meet them.  Co-Chairs: Susan Blachman and Jack Steinman. Read more…

Zero Waste Schools: We strive to help schools reduce waste by sharing resources, best practices and case studies fpm K-12 schools. Members welcome! Chair: Devin Jackson. Read more…

Nominations C0mmittee: Manages the Board of Directors nomination process. Work begins with the September Call for Nominations and includes the Meet the Candidates event in early November. Questions welcome at any time. Co-Chairs: TBD

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