The Membership, Engagement and Activities Committee is pleased to announce the
Annual Member Appreciation Picnic
and Beach Cleanup
Saturday, September 21
Non-Members welcome!
Cleanup, 10am – 12pm
Picnic, 12:30-3pm
East Bay Regional Park District
Encinal Beach, Alameda Point Shoreline
190 Central Ave, Alameda, CA 94501
NCRA will provide:
vegan/vegetarian food options (TBA), water and beer
Please bring a salad or dessert for 8.
This is a Zero Waste event:
Bring Your Own Essentials:
utensils, plate, napkin, water bottle…
Also, buckets, grabbers, small shovels and bags for the cleanup.
Join us for a day of environmental stewardship, networking,
tamales and more!
Family, kids, friends and dogs welcome!
Non-members are encouraged to chip in $5 per adult.
No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Welcome to attend just the picnic or just the cleanup.