NCRA Superheroes Stories, 3/22

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In this episode, the committee highlights five of the most important stories in NCRA’s history, ahead of the upcoming in person Recycling Update (the first in over 3 years). The dramatic tales of courtroom battles, stopping landfill expansion, saving recycling itself. Joining in the telling of the stories were former NCRA Board members David Tam and Steve Lautze.

The Recycling Archives featured long time NCRA Board Member Kathy Evans of Community Conservation Centers and the Berkeley Ecology Center.

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Is It Greenwashing? Sana Packaging, 1/22

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Guests: Ron Basak-Smith

Recycling Pioneer: Mary Lou Van Deventer

Greenwashing is a controversial term used to describe firms that seek the benefits of “eco-friendly” marketing without truly engaging with efforts to make the world economy more sustainable. In this episode of the ZWAC show, committee members interview Ron Basak-Smith of Sana Packaging, who make ostensibly environmentally friendly packaging for Cannabis products in California. The unique requirements of this packaging make a recycled and sustainable solution difficult, but Sana claims that using recycled floating ocean plastic, they can significantly improve the sustainability of the industry. This fascinating interview features tough questions from knowledgeable advocates in a truly special field of environmentalism. 


As an ardent advocate against greenwashing, the Recycling Archives featured Mary Lou Van Deventer of Urban Ore, Inc.


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2022 CA Legislative Outlook, 11/21

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For the past 9 months, ZWAC has presented monthly shows combining panel discussions and interviews on hot topics with readings from the oral history of pioneering recyclers. 11/9 is a regular committee meeting where committee members (everyone invited) can talk about things they would like to see advocated for in 2022, when a Recology-drafted state initiative against single-use plastic will be on the ballot. Other topics include the new federal infrastructure bill, CA bottle bill, promoting compost and soil health initiatives, developing Zero Waste entrepreneurship through local economic development support from government, including development of eco-parks like AA02 in Oakland. Speakers lined up for the December and January shows are about recycling products with environmental problems and the promise of mycoremediation. This Show’s Recycling Archives segment will be in memoriam to the late Will Bakx, composting pioneer who passed away over the weekend. We are joined by special guest Ruth Abbe to honor Will and talk about what looks cool for 2022.

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Political Advocacy Beyond Zero Waste Ft. Cynthia Chandler, 8/21

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While we often discuss zero waste advocacy, it is not the only advocacy that is hard and that needs long term planning and perseverance. I am thrilled that our August 10, 2021, ZWAC show will feature Cynthia Chandler who has succeeded in their advocacy of really important things. Attorney Cynthia Chandler, who is featured in the just-released documentary Belly of the Beast ( and will discuss about her fight against Ca law and policy that began with Nazi-era eugenics that lead to our state prisons sterilizing women, mostly women of color, without their consent.

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Local Resource Recovery Businesses are Key to Zero Waste, 7/21

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Following up our June show where we featured Brenda Platt discussing the future of compost and its potential to save the planet from climate change and with ZWAC’s focus on local resource recovery businesses, our July 13, 2021, show will feature local businesses and issues in the local newspaper. First, we will have a reading from the Recycling Archives of the interview of local compost pioneer, Will Bakx of Sonoma Compost. Will has been part of the Marin Carbon Project featured in the Chronicle on June 30, 2021. Will will be on hand to answer questions after the reading. Next, co-chair John Moore will interview Sumona Majumdar, general legal counsel to Earth Island Institute who was featured in the Chronicle on June 29, 2021. Sumona will discuss Earth Island’s anti-plastic campaign, its new lawsuit against plastic product makers like Coca-Cola, why this suit was filed in the District of Columbia, and how this new suit is different from an earlier one filed by the Cotchett law firm targeting misleading advertising about recyclability in plastic. Next we will have a panel discussing how local resource recovery businesses can make a big zero waste impact and create jobs at the same time. Neil Seldman of the DC-based Institute for Local Self-Reliance will lead off discussing his many years of research into the benefits of local resource recovery. Following Neil will be three founder/owners of Bay Area resource recovery businesses who will discuss their experiences, their market niches, how they impact zero waste, and why in the world they started their businesses in the first place. These three speakers are:

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