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Following up our June show where we featured Brenda Platt discussing the future of compost and its potential to save the planet from climate change and with ZWAC’s focus on local resource recovery businesses, our July 13, 2021, show will feature local businesses and issues in the local newspaper. First, we will have a reading from the Recycling Archives of the interview of local compost pioneer, Will Bakx of Sonoma Compost. Will has been part of the Marin Carbon Project featured in the Chronicle on June 30, 2021. Will will be on hand to answer questions after the reading. Next, co-chair John Moore will interview Sumona Majumdar, general legal counsel to Earth Island Institute who was featured in the Chronicle on June 29, 2021. Sumona will discuss Earth Island’s anti-plastic campaign, its new lawsuit against plastic product makers like Coca-Cola, why this suit was filed in the District of Columbia, and how this new suit is different from an earlier one filed by the Cotchett law firm targeting misleading advertising about recyclability in plastic. Next we will have a panel discussing how local resource recovery businesses can make a big zero waste impact and create jobs at the same time. Neil Seldman of the DC-based Institute for Local Self-Reliance will lead off discussing his many years of research into the benefits of local resource recovery. Following Neil will be three founder/owners of Bay Area resource recovery businesses who will discuss their experiences, their market niches, how they impact zero waste, and why in the world they started their businesses in the first place. These three speakers are:
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