Bailey Hall

Bailey Hall, Incumbent, Member since 2019

I’ve been a NCRA member since 2019 and a board member since early 2022. As the co-chair of the Zero Waste Advocacy Committee, I’ve been able to get my feet wet with tracking and supporting different pieces of waste-related legislation. I’ve just gotten started and want to accomplish so much more in terms of NCRA’s advocacy work. I’d be honored to have that opportunity by serving two more years on the NCRA board.

As co-chair this past year, I started NCRA’s most recent legislative tracker and began holding monthly legislation meetings. We’re a small but mighty group that discusses important bills, progress, and next steps. I’ve submitted a few letters to the Legislature and Governor on behalf of NCRA, but I want to write far more in the years to come. I’d love to see NCRA’s presence in California legislation expand, including more coordination with like-minded groups. I’d also like to help plan legislative activities for NCRA members like educational webinars or lobbying days.

I love this field, and NCRA has played a critical role in inducting me. Solid waste has so many brilliant people and rabbit holes of waste-related conundrums that need solutions. I’ve been a Zero Waste Coordinator with the City of Sunnyvale for the past four years, and look forward to continuing this path. I’d appreciate your vote for the 24/25 NCRA board!

Casey Fritz

Casey Fritz, Member since 2019

I have been a member of NCRA since 2019, and participate in the Zero Food Food Waste and Zero Waste Schools committees.

I think I would make a good Board member because I have had varied experiences in the waste industry over the past 6+ years. I have worked for a non-profit, two different private haulers (Marin Sanitary Service and Recology San Francisco), and now work in local government at the County of Marin and on the Zero Waste Marin Joint Powers Authority.

Working for these different entities has allowed me to grow as a professional and gain practical knowledge and skills in the waste industry, in addition to exposing me to the common issues that many of us face in this industry. I am a voracious learner and have loved gaining on-the-job practical knowledge and skills while learning from those who have worked in waste for many years.

I also just completed my Master of Science in Environmental Management degree at the University of San Francisco. I wrote my 50-page Masters’ project on the environmental impact of the food system and food waste, and am thrilled to be applying this knowledge to leading the charge on our edible food recovery program in Marin County. I am creative and tenacious when pursuing goals and solutions, and am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills, experience, and passion to the NCRA Board.

Sally Houghton

Sally Houghton, Member since 2016

Plastic Recycling Corporation of California (PRCC) staff have been NCRA members for several decades; as the new Executive Director, I want to continue the legacy of involvement with NCRA. I am Sally Houghton and I have attended events and spoken at NCRA conferences where I feel energized by the community and the passion for sustainability. I have a deep commitment for waste reduction and renewable resources. My role at PRCC is to make the circular economy for PET plastic a reality.
I believe that my experience managing one of the oldest producer responsibility organizations in the country, will help NCRA navigate some different aspects of the environmental community and facilitate more collaboration.

Working in materials management provides me the opportunity to work across the entire value chain of PET recycling, in circularity from production to collection.
NCRA has many areas of focus, including tackling food waste & organics, single-use plastics, and supporting best public policy. I believe that working within the industry and with innovative leaders we can tackle issues and create the best sustainable practices that make economic and environmental sense.

My primary work focus is California, but I have had the good fortune to represent PRCC at several global forums, including the China National Resources Recycling Association, Waste Expo and I am on the Plastic’s Committee of the Bureau of International Recycling.
I would feel privileged to be a board member of this pioneering organization and to help facilitate and direct greater circular sustainability and waste reduction.

Election 2023 – Nominate Yourself To Serve On The NCRA Board!

NCRA has been a Recycling and Zero Waste trailblazer since 1978! You can help develop the cutting edge by applying to serve on our 11-person Board of Directors! Six positions will be open this January. Three members are stepping down.

We are seeking candidates that are familiar with NCRA and have actively participated in a committee and/or attended at least one board meeting in the last 12 months.

The October 1 deadline has been extended to October 8. Candidate statements will be posted on the website and in the mid-October newsletter. Ballots will be sent out to current members November 15. Results will be announced in December – first to the candidates and then via the December newsletter.

For more details, please visit the Elections page.

2023 Election Announcement


The 2023 Board Election will be held November 15 – 29. The self-nomination period opens September 1. Candidate Statements will be posted on the website and in newsletter in mid October, and individual ballots will be sent out November 15 to current members. Results will be announced – first to the candidates and then via the December newsletter.

For additional details, please visit the Elections page.