Xinci Tan

Xinci Tan, Organics Program Manager, Zero Waste Sonoma, (Term: 2024-2025)

Xinci is excited to join the NCRA board and hopes to continue pushing the organization to be more equitable, inclusive, and accessible as it continues to advance progressive waste reduction policy for the state and country. Xinci leads the countywide implementation of state law Short-lived Climate Pollutants (SB 1383) in Sonoma County, is involved in the County’s efforts to permit and site a new composting facility, and manages several grants related to carbon sequestration, among other responsibilities.

She moved to California for her current role in 2018. Before joining the compost industry, she earned a BS in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior from the University of Minnesota. Her senior research project involved studying the mating behaviors of crickets. She spent a few years working for the USDA studying how environmental variability could affect plant absorption of nitrogen and compared techniques to limit fertilizer runoff. In her free time, she enjoys rock climbing, tennis, hiking, cooking and reading.


Bailey Hall

Bailey Hall, Zero Waste Coordinator, City of Sunnyvale (Term: 2024-2025)

Bailey Hall is an Environmental Programs Specialist/Zero Waste Coordinator in the Environmental Services Department for the City of Sunnyvale. She represents the Solid Waste and Recycling Division as their outreach and communications lead, and engages the Sunnyvale community through public speaking, social media, events, and Youtube videos. She loves debunking recycling myths and teaching others about Zero Waste living, and discusses both in a regular column called “Talkin’ Trash” in the city-wide newsletter.

Prior to this role, Bailey was Program Director for Climate Corps AmeriCorps, a fellowship program that helps young professionals kickstart their career in the environmental field. Over the course of three years, she mentored 84 Fellows. Bailey also has past experience leading outdoor science field trips, educating community members on energy efficiency, and environmental communication in a corporate setting. She graduated from UC Santa Cruz and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Studies with a Politics minor. Bailey looks forward to a long career ahead in the waste-reduction and recycling realm.


Devin Jackson

Devin Jackson, Middle School Teacher, STEM/STEAM – Earth, Life & Physical Science/Engineering (Term: 2024 – 2025)

Environmental Sustainability Coordinator, 2021 CCC Leadership in Sustainability Award Winner, Recycle SMART “green” educator, 2018 “Bronze” CA Green Ribbon School Award Winner, certified Climate Change educator with National Geographic Explorers, NASA GLOBE Educator, NOAA Ocean Guardian educator & Education Consultant of a K-8 environmental education non-profit called Outside the Box 925.

Being “green” and a certified naturalist “environmental steward/citizen scientist” are fundamental aspects of my personality, actions, and daily life. I have a strong connection, passion, and bond with nature, the environment, environmental sustainability, eco-literacy, water, energy, resource conservation, recycling, composting, and other waste/landfill diversion practices, which are linked to the UN Climate Principles. I have been a member of NCRA for one year. NCRA has played an integral role in my pathway as an environmental sustainability coordinator to guide and support future Zero Waste schools and districts. I am currently the sole teacher on the NCRA committee for CA Zero Waste Schools. I am looking forward to contributing to and supporting NCRA and the school committee in new ways as my career expands with new opportunities unfolding


Sarah Koplowicz

Sarah Koplowicz. R3 Consulting Group, Inc. (Term 2025 – 2026)

Sarah has been working in solid waste management for over 17 years, with a focus on zero waste programs and policies. She helped establish the UC Davis Zero Waste system campus wide and spent 10 years working in event production providing zero waste management to millions of people. She also previously worked at the San Francisco Green Business Program helping hundreds of local businesses reduce their footprint. In 2019, Sarah completed a Master of Science in Environmental Management from the University of San Francisco.

Since joining R3, Sarah has worked with more than 50 jurisdictions in California providing a wide range of support for legislative compliance, contract procurement and negotiations, C&D facility evaluations, researching industry best practices, and much more. Sarah is honored to serve NCRA as a Board Member and has been participating in NCRA events since 2014, including being an organizing member of the Zero Waste Youth Convergence planning committee. She is passionate about all things zero waste, the magic of compost, gardening, trying new recipes, and spending time with her cat.


Casey Fritz

Casey Fritz. Zero Waste Marin & County of Marin Waste Management Division (term ends 12/2025)

Casey grew up in the Bay Area and has worked in the Zero Waste field since she graduated from UC Berkeley in 2017. Throughout her career she has worked for a non-profit to implement zero waste programs at schools, and on the outreach and education teams at both Marin Sanitary Service and Recology in San Francisco. These roles helped to deepen her knowledge of how waste is handled and further her passion for helping people reduce what they send to landfill. In 2023 Casey completed a Master of Science in Environmental Management degree at the University of San Francisco, and wrote her Masters’ thesis on the lifecycle emissions of our food system and how local governments can reduce those climate impacts.

Casey currently works for the County of Marin as a Senior Planner, where she manages the outreach programs for the Zero Waste Marin Joint Powers Authority. This includes managing the Zero Waste Marin Schools Program, the edible food recovery program, social media channels, pilot programs such as bringing Repair Fairs to Marin County, and Zero Waste Marin’s Local Task Force. Casey is honored to serve on the NCRA Board to connect with other folks who are passionate about advancing zero waste solutions.