Casey Fritz

Casey Fritz

Casey Fritz, Member since 2019

I have been a member of NCRA since 2019, and participate in the Zero Food Food Waste and Zero Waste Schools committees.

I think I would make a good Board member because I have had varied experiences in the waste industry over the past 6+ years. I have worked for a non-profit, two different private haulers (Marin Sanitary Service and Recology San Francisco), and now work in local government at the County of Marin and on the Zero Waste Marin Joint Powers Authority.

Working for these different entities has allowed me to grow as a professional and gain practical knowledge and skills in the waste industry, in addition to exposing me to the common issues that many of us face in this industry. I am a voracious learner and have loved gaining on-the-job practical knowledge and skills while learning from those who have worked in waste for many years.

I also just completed my Master of Science in Environmental Management degree at the University of San Francisco. I wrote my 50-page Masters’ project on the environmental impact of the food system and food waste, and am thrilled to be applying this knowledge to leading the charge on our edible food recovery program in Marin County. I am creative and tenacious when pursuing goals and solutions, and am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills, experience, and passion to the NCRA Board.