Election 2022 – Nominate Yourself To Serve On The NCRA Board!

NCRA is a Recycling and Zero Waste trailblazer and has been since its inception in 1978. You can help develop the cutting edge by applying to serve on our 11-person Board of Directors!

Five positions will be open this January. One member is stepping down. It’s a two-year working post. Attendance at three out of any six consecutive meetings is required – but we prefer you attend as many as possible. You are also expected to take an active role in at least one standing committee plus one Recycling Update committee.

We meet on the third Thursday of the month, currently via Zoom. (Previous to the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings moved around the Bay Area – sometimes in conjunction with tours. Phone participation was possible at many locations.)

Directors discuss issues, hold debates and influence regional and national recycling strategy. Such as:

    • Tour facilities and talk business with operators
    • Engage regional and national industry leaders
    • Work on behalf of colleagues who need a boost
    • Tackle issues that can’t be ignored
    • Hold events and webinars on important topics
    • Track and comment on legislation

Benefits include helping NCRA protect and rejuvenate the environment while promoting a waste free economy, as well as free entrance to all NCRA events. Great opportunity to network with movers and shakers. Looks good on your resume as well at interviews.

Nominees must be a member in good standing. We are seeking candidates that are familiar with NCRA and have actively participated in a committee and/or attended at least one board meeting in the last 12 months.

To nominate yourself or someone else with their permission, please submit a campaign statement of 225 words or less via our Contact Page, between September 1 and October 1. Submittals longer than 225 words will be ignored.

In your statement, please introduce yourself, note how long you have been a NCRA member and what committees you are on and then tell members why they should consider voting for you. Be sure to read the previous Statements beforehand.

The Election begins Tuesday, November 15 and ends Tuesday, November 29 at 11:59pm. Results will be announced – first to the candidates, and then via the December newsletter.

If your NCRA membership has expired or will soon, please Log-in to renew ASAP! This ensures you will be able to run and vote as well as continue to receive the NCRA News and event discounts. Your membership helps support NCRA’s advocacy and education efforts throughout the year.