Nature of Materials – Part Two: Reuse, Textiles, Ceramics, Chemicals, and Soils
Tuesday, November 19, 2013, at USEPA, San Francisco 9am – 4:45pm, 75 Hawthorne Street. Stay tuned for online registration.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013, at USEPA, San Francisco 9am – 4:45pm, 75 Hawthorne Street. Stay tuned for online registration.
San Franciscans have a right to redeem their bottles and cans for the California Redemption Value they pay at the store. Without the recycling centers that Safeway hosts, San Franciscans will lose a convenient way to get their money back. Click here to sign petition: MoveOn
The SWANA Gold Rush Chapter is co-sponsoring CalRecycle “High Diversion & Compensation” workshop on October 9th in Oakland. This FREE workshop is designed to help you avoid the rate “death spiral” by understanding the relationship between changes in customer subscription levels, collection and processing costs, agency fees and customer rates. You will hear case studies from other communities and get practical information that you can use in rate setting and in managing your solid waste programs and contracts. SWANA Continuing Education Units will be available for participants in the workshop. To register, email Kim Erwin at
October 9, 2013 – 9 am to 1pm Flyer
Elihu M. Harris Building, Room 2
1515 Clay Street, Oakland, CA 94612
From the CalRecycle website: To achieve AB 341’s 75% goal, new models for local funding of materials management activities (such as recycling and composting) will likely be necessary to sustain these activities into the future, independent of landfill disposal fees. CalRecycle is exploring new models of funding mechanism(s) for such activities and will co-sponsor three FREE workshops by HF&H Consultants. These workshops will focus on funding interactions at the collection and post-collection levels and how different approaches might impact service providers (public and private) and various regulatory agencies (State, County, City/District). They are designed to provide City and County official/staff with information about managing rates related to collection, processing, and disposal of discarded material, and insights into managing solid waste and recycling rates in the face of evolving programs and ever-increasing diversion goals. The workshops will include dynamic presentations, interactive rate models and tools, and real world case studies. MSW and Recycling Coordinator, City Manager, County Administrator, Finance Director, and/or Public Works Director who manages a rate structure/increase are highly encouraged to attend this workshop.
As Miss Alameda, I am a self employed public figure, environmental advocate and artist. I hope to turn the Miss Alameda Says Compost project into a broader based non-profit later this year. We help cities, organizations, and communities reach their diversion goals through social and cultural change activities. Read More “Member Interview – Jessica Robinson, 09/13”