
Urban Ore Reusable Business Model, 8/13

Tonight’s show will be a little different, as our regular ZWAC Show host, John Moore, is away this month.

We’re thrilled to welcome the bright and inquisitive Susan Kinsella, Executive Director of Recycling Archives, who will be stepping in to interview the owners of the renowned Berkeley salvage and reuse retail store, Urban Ore. Since its founding in 1980, Urban Ore has consistently diverted nearly 8,000 tons of landfill-bound material annually for reuse! This exemplary business truly values people, profit, and the planet.

Dr. Daniel Knapp and Mary Lou Van Deventer will discuss Urban Ore‘s operations and share stories from the past that have contributed to its success.

They will also explore how and why their model can be replicated across the U.S.
We hope you can join us tonight, or stay tuned for the recording to be published on our YouTube Channel in the following weeks.

The recording is found here 👉 []

Atrium 916 Inspiring the next generation, 7/9

Do you love art? Are you passionate about building a circular economy?

Let’s talk about how these two worlds collide at our next ZWAC Show featuring Atrium 916 Founder & Executive Director Shira Lane! ⁠

Atrium 916 is a Creative Innovation Center for Sustainability, engineering solutions that build a kind, creative, and sustainable future for all beings.

The Atrium, through community-driven ideas, builds systems and provides support for the formulation of new mission-driven, eco-friendly products, and services that drive a sustainable creative circular economy.

The Recycling Archives reading with Executive Director, Susan Kinsella will share the Impact of Art on the History of Recycling.

ZWAC Show Program:

5:00 PM – Social Hour
5:30 PM – Interview with Shira Lane
6:00 PM – Recycling Archives Reading

The recording is found here 👉 []

Election 2024 – Nominate Yourself To Serve On The NCRA Board!

NCRA has been a Recycling and Zero Waste trailblazer since 1978! You can help develop the cutting edge by applying to serve on our 11-person Board of Directors! Five positions will be open this January. Three members are stepping down.

We are seeking candidates that are familiar with NCRA and have actively participated in a committee and/or attended at least one board meeting in the last 12 months.

The October 1 deadline has been extended to October 8. Candidate statements will be posted on the website and in the mid-October newsletter. Ballots will be sent out to current members November 15. Results will be announced in December – first to the candidates and then via the December newsletter.

For more details, please visit the Elections page.

Picnic & Coastal Clean-Up, Alameda, 9/21 – All Welcome!

The Membership, Engagement and Activities Committee is pleased to announce the

Annual Member Appreciation Picnic
and Beach Cleanup
Saturday, September 21

Non-Members welcome!

Cleanup, 10am – 12pm
Picnic, 12:30-3pm

East Bay Regional Park District
Encinal Beach, Alameda Point Shoreline
190 Central Ave, Alameda, CA 94501

NCRA will provide:

vegan/vegetarian food options (TBA), water and beer

Please bring a salad or dessert for 8.

This is a Zero Waste event:
Bring Your Own Essentials:
utensils, plate, napkin, water bottle…
Also, buckets, grabbers, small shovels and bags for the cleanup.

Join us for a day of environmental stewardship, networking,
tamales and more!
Family, kids, friends and dogs welcome!

Non-members are encouraged to chip in $5 per adult.
No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Welcome to attend just the picnic or just the cleanup.
