Max Wechsler

Max Wechsler, Reuse Entrepreneur, Vice President of Sales,

Max grew up surrounded by a scrap metal junkyard near Philadelphia, PA and brings to the table a lifetime of immersion in for-profit reuse and recycling businesses. From electronics recycling with Roots Recycling, to reclaimed lumber with Pacific Reclaimed Lumber & Supply (he is currently a Board Member and Vice President of Sales), to just about everything at Urban Ore, one of his greatest satisfactions in life has been finding the highest and best use for “stuff”—the dirtier the hands get, the better.

This forklift operating, boots-on-the-ground experience is matched with a commitment to advocacy work, industry building, and educational outreach. Focuses include reuse retail market development, deconstruction policy, and Zero Waste private-public partnerships. Max holds an MBA and an MS in Environmental Management from The University of San Francisco and a BA in Psychology from Cornell University. He also manages a manufacturing business called Sugarbush Products, Inc., that uses exclusively American made secondary steel as feedstock. For leisure, he takes dog walks on the beach daily, plays pick-up basketball regularly, and writes amateur screenplays as the muse inspires.
