Edible Food Recovery Regulations (SB1383) for Large Venues and Events

Edible Food Recovery Regulations (SB1383) for Large Venues and Events

Zero Food Waste Forum Webinar
Friday, May 10th • 1 to 2 pm
A Stadium, a Zoo, and a Fairground Walk into an Airport Bar…SB1383 Large Venue Edible Food Recovery Requirements are No Joke.

Did you know that food now needs to be donated at the end of large events, instead of being thrown away? How can large venues or food courts with multiple vendors ensure none of their surplus food gets thrown away?

Join us for a discussion on challenges, best practices, and successes.

Panelists will include representatives from:

• Foxtail Catering
• Non Plus Ultra Events
• CalRecycle

FREE registration: https://tinyurl.com/ZeroFoodWaste5-10-24