Freddy Coronado-Barraza

Freddy Coronado

Freddy Coronado-Barraza, Incumbent, Member since 2018

Esteemed NCRA members, my name is Freddy Coronado and I reside in San Francisco. For the past six years I have worked for San Francisco’s Environment Department as the Residential Zero Waste Specialist where I implement the City’s Zero Waste policies across the residential and multifamily sectors. My other duties include the launch of our Fix-It Clinic programming at SF Public Library and ensuring special events comply with our Zero Waste requirements.

My passion and career path has led me to gain tremendous Zero Waste experience, which includes working with property managers, residents, large refuse generators, event producers, and affordable housing properties. This is the career path I’ve always dreamed of and NCRA has taken me under its wings.

Since 2014, I have been an active member and advisor to NCRA’s youth branch, Zero Waste Youth USA and successfully assisted with the production of 10 annual Zero Waste Youth Convergences. Currently, I am a member of the Legislative and DEI committees. This year I am also honored to co-chair the Recycling Update program committee with my RU mentor, Rebecca Jewell.

If elected to serve I will ensure our organization continues to be a national treasure for Zero Waste advocates everywhere. I will promote and advance our DEI goals and strategies. And of course, continue the fast-forward and most up to date recycling and Zero Waste programming for the Recycling Update.