Devin Jackson

Devin Jackson

Devin Jackson, Incumbent, Member since 2020

I am a STEM/STEAM teacher, Environmental Sustainability Coordinator, 2021 CCC Leadership in Sustainability Award Winner, Recycle SMART “green” educator, 2018 “Bronze” CA Green Ribbon School Award Winner, certified Climate Change educator with National Geographic Explorers, NASA GLOBE Educator, NOAA Ocean Guardian educator & Vice President of a K-8 environmental education non-profit called Outside the Box 925.

I have a strong connection and passion for nature, environmental sustainability, eco-literacy, water conservation, alternative energy, resource conservation, recycling, composting and other waste/landfill diversion practices, which are linked to the UN Climate Principles. I have been a member of NCRA for about three years.

NCRA has played an integral role in my pathway as an environmental sustainability coordinator to guide and support future Zero Waste schools and districts. I am the chair of the Zero Waste Schools committee and strong advocate/mentor of Zero Waste Youth.

I am looking forward to contributing to, supporting NCRA, chairing the Zero Waste Schools committee and mentoring/advocating Zero Waste Youth in new ways as my career expands with new opportunities unfolding.

If you feel I would bring value to the board, then please support me to be elected to the 2024 – 2026 NCRA Board.