Bailey Hall

Bailey Hall

Bailey Hall, Incumbent, Member since 2019

I’ve been a NCRA member since 2019 and a board member since early 2022. As the co-chair of the Zero Waste Advocacy Committee, I’ve been able to get my feet wet with tracking and supporting different pieces of waste-related legislation. I’ve just gotten started and want to accomplish so much more in terms of NCRA’s advocacy work. I’d be honored to have that opportunity by serving two more years on the NCRA board.

As co-chair this past year, I started NCRA’s most recent legislative tracker and began holding monthly legislation meetings. We’re a small but mighty group that discusses important bills, progress, and next steps. I’ve submitted a few letters to the Legislature and Governor on behalf of NCRA, but I want to write far more in the years to come. I’d love to see NCRA’s presence in California legislation expand, including more coordination with like-minded groups. I’d also like to help plan legislative activities for NCRA members like educational webinars or lobbying days.

I love this field, and NCRA has played a critical role in inducting me. Solid waste has so many brilliant people and rabbit holes of waste-related conundrums that need solutions. I’ve been a Zero Waste Coordinator with the City of Sunnyvale for the past four years, and look forward to continuing this path. I’d appreciate your vote for the 24/25 NCRA board!