Global Producer Responsibility For Plastic Pollution, 5/24

A recent global study published in Science Advances revealed the world’s biggest known plastic polluters. Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestlé and Danone came in at the top of a global audit of plastic waste.

We will talk with co-author Win Cowger, Research Director at the Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research of Southern California. Join the conversation happening tomorrow! It helps our channel thrive if you hit the like button and share each video that you’ve watched. Please subscribe to our channel!

The recording is found here 👉 []

What Happened to California SB 38 & AB 1454? 9/21

The agenda for the 9/14/21 ZWAC Show will be an interview with Jeff Donlevy of the Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets and Curbside Recycling who will discuss “What happened in the Room. The rise and fall of bottle bills in the 2021 CA legislative season and what we can expect next year.”

The Recycling Archives will feature a reading from Gerry Gillespie who spearheaded in Australia the first government wide commitment to zero waste. Jeff’s interview will be the culmination of the 4 sessions ZWAC has held about the bottle bills this year.

Find the recording here 👉 []

Deconstruction with The Reuse People of America, 3/24

We cannot get enough of deconstruction and reuse with construction and demolition. Our interview will be with Ted Reiff, Founder of Oakland based The Reuse People of America talking about what’s happening in the C&D world, including commercial deconstruction.

For the Recycling Archives, Susan Kinsella will share a reading of Carolyn Brooks, Graphic Artists & Zero Waste Advocate from Australia.

Find the recording here 👉 []

Rescuing Designer Materials for Creative Reuse, 2/24

This month we will interview Tina Baumgartner and Kathy Bonte from Sunnyvale-based FabMo, a source of exquisite rescued designer materials from the landfill.

Every year FabMo rescues approximately 70 tons of discontinued designer samples such as fabric, wallpaper, tile, and carpet from trade shows and showrooms from across the Bay Area, such as the San Francisco Design Center. The materials are made available to the creative community for reuse.

We will find out about Fabmo’s market niche, supply sources, impact on Zero Waste, and more. Let’s talk about it!

Find the recording here 👉 []

Zero Waste Burial Option: Human Composting, 12/23

Our featured interview is with Katrina Spade of Seattle’s Recompose who championed a new CA law to take effect in 2027 allowing the composting of human remains.

How Zero Wasters can repurpose themselves in the hereafter and still visit surviving relatives with Day of the Dead altars will be discussed. Please bring your questions. The Recycling Archives will present readings from recycling pioneers who have passed. 5 PM (Pacific Time).- Networking 5:30 PM – Show Begins with Recycling Archives Project Segment 5:55 PM – Featured Interview

Find the recording here 👉[]