RU 2024 Call for Presentations, Speakers and Topics

Call for Presentations, Speakers and Topic Nominations
Applications close Friday October 20, 2023

NCRA is seeking speakers for the 2024 Recycling Update (RU) to share what is new and different in all aspects of waste reduction and Zero Waste. We especially invite speakers who have not yet presented at this dynamic, fast paced event. Join over 300 attendees – in-person and on-line, from local government recycling staff, policy makers, consultants, haulers and processors from across Northern California to hear about the newest and greatest ideas our field.
All speakers have ***10 minutes*** for their presentation and 2 minutes for questions. An advantage is that everyone in attendance will hear your ideas – no breakouts or tracks. We run a pretty tight ship, so it’s important that each speaker be well prepared, and stay within their allotted time.

Whatever topic you propose, your presentations should reflect NCRA’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Please make a conscious effort to address these issues as you prepare your submissions, both in textual and graphic elements. In addition, the selection committee encourages proposals focused on SB 1383 implementation and Reuse & Repair.

Speakers receive free registration as well as one year of membership.  For additional information, please use the form to ask your questions.

Call for Presentations and Topic/Speaker Nominations

Election 2023 – Nominate Yourself To Serve On The NCRA Board!

NCRA has been a Recycling and Zero Waste trailblazer since 1978! You can help develop the cutting edge by applying to serve on our 11-person Board of Directors! Six positions will be open this January. Three members are stepping down.

We are seeking candidates that are familiar with NCRA and have actively participated in a committee and/or attended at least one board meeting in the last 12 months.

The October 1 deadline has been extended to October 8. Candidate statements will be posted on the website and in the mid-October newsletter. Ballots will be sent out to current members November 15. Results will be announced in December – first to the candidates and then via the December newsletter.

For more details, please visit the Elections page.

NCRA Picnic, 9/23 – All Welcome

The Membership, Engagement and Activities Committee is pleased to announce the

Annual Member Appreciation Picnic
and Beach Cleanup
Saturday, September 23

Non-Members welcome!

Cleanup, 10am – 12pm
Picnic, 12:30-3pm

East Bay Regional Park District
Encinal Beach, Alameda Point Shoreline
190 Central Ave, Alameda, CA 94501

NCRA will provide:

Tamales! & More:
Nora Calderon vegan/vegetarian tamales,
nopales salad, water and beer

Please bring a salad or dessert for 8.

This is a Zero Waste event:
Bring Your Own Essentials:
utensils, plate, napkin, water bottle…
Also, buckets, grabbers, small shovels and bags for the cleanup.

Join us for a day of environmental stewardship, networking,
tamales and more!
Family, kids, friends and dogs welcome!

Non-members are encouraged to chip in $5 per adult.
No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Welcome to attend just the picnic or just the cleanup.


2023 Election Announcement


The 2023 Board Election will be held November 15 – 29. The self-nomination period opens September 1. Candidate Statements will be posted on the website and in newsletter in mid October, and individual ballots will be sent out November 15 to current members. Results will be announced – first to the candidates and then via the December newsletter.

For additional details, please visit the Elections page.