NCRA wants you! Phonebank for the Ban on Tuesday 11/1


Tuesday, November 1 from 6 pm – 8 pm

Click here to access Yes on 67 Phone Bank and Event List!

2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, David Brower Conference Room, 4th Floor

  • Please bring your cell phone
  • Pizza will be provided
  • BYO beverages and snacks

See you there! Thank you for your commitment to assisting our communities in upholding the bag ban!

Please RSVP to ncra@ncrarecycles.orgncra-yes-on-67-no-on-65-2016

Bag The Ban – By County


Please let us know what is happening in your County! Send brief updates to both Zero Waste Advocacy Committee and NCRA News. See County listings at end.

  1. Determine if local public agencies – the county, cities, special districts,agencies, etc., have policies on the two initiatives and whether help is needed establishing, supporting or refuting these policies.
  2. Tell NCRA when a speaker is needed to be present at an event where some public agency is making up its mind or thinking about changing it.
  3. Communities that already have local bag ban laws should not sit on their hands but make sure all voters know why 67 is so important and that it is at the end of a long ballot.

BY COUNTY – In progress

ALAMEDA – Contact Arthur Boone/ZWAC

SONOMA – Contact Portia Sinnott/NCRA News. At the August Sonoma County Local Task Force For Solid Waste meeting it was decided to send letters to the Board of Supervisors, the Joint Powers Agency and all cities asking each to go on record in support of 67 and against 65. The next step is for the LTF members to contact our elected officials to reinforce this request. Tabling and tabling training starts the week of 10/17. Phone banking with Clean Water Action will be encouraged.








Vote YES on PROP 67 to Uphold the California Bag Ban!

NCRA has taken a fervent YES position on Prop 67!  Please get involved, and share with others the importance of upholding the California Bag Ban!

Links to websites for more info and ways to get involved:

Protect Plastic Bag Ban Campaign
CAW Campaign
Surfrider Campaign

If Proposition 67 is approved by the state’s voters, it would:[1][2]

  • Ratify Senate Bill 270 (2014).
  • Prohibit large grocery stores and pharmacies from providing plastic single-use carryout bags and ban small grocery stores, convenience stores and liquor stores from doing so the following year.
  • Allow single-use plastic bags for meat, bread, produce, bulk food and perishable items.
  • Mandate stores to charge 10 cents for recycled, compostable and reusable grocery bags.
  • Exempt consumers using a payment card or voucher issued by the California Special Supplemental Food Program from being charged for bags.
  • Provide $2 million to state plastic bag manufacturers for the purpose of helping them retain jobs and transition to making thicker, multi-use, recycled plastic bags.

The American Progressive Bag Alliance, an opponent of the measure, is leading the campaign to repeal SB 270.[3]

The Money Behind Big Plastic’s Campaign

More than $6 million has been poured into an effort to challenge California’s plastic bag ban on the November 2016 ballot. Behind the effort are four out-of-state plastic and chemical producers, channeling funds through the plastic industry’s astroturf trade group, “American Progressive Bag Alliance.” Led by ringleader South Carolina-based Hilex Poly and New Jersey-based Formosa Plastics which does not have any locations in California – these companies produce most of the more than 200 billion plastic bags generated in the US annually. View their financial contributions to the referendum campaign at the California Secretary of State’s Website.

Hilex Poly (South Carolina): The top contributor to the American Progressive Bag Alliance (APBA) to overturn the plastic bag ban, having contributed $2.78 million since 2014. Hilex Poly has led lawsuits against municipalities with plastic bag bans and a reusable bag company, all in an effort to protect the lucrative California plastic bag market.

Formosa Plastics (New Jersey): The second largest contributor to the APBA, having contributed $1.5 million so far. Formosa Plastics parent company is suspected in a natural disaster in Vietnam, polluting 120-miles of coastlines and causing a massive fish kill off. In the U.S. Formosa has a long track record of EPA and OSHA violations for pollution and reckless safety standards that have resulted in various polluting violations and the death and injury of numerous employees.

Superbag (Texas): The third largest contributor at $945,719. Superbag is one of a group that has sued cities and other municipalities for banning plastic bags and launched a frivolous lawsuit against ChicoBag, a reusable bag manufacturer, which ChicoBag challenged and the group subsequently dropped, unable to make an actual case.

Advance Polybag (Texas): The fourth largest contributor at $939,333, Also a member of the group that sued municipalities for banning plastic bags and unsuccessfully sued ChicoBag.

Zero Waste At G7 Workshop

EPA Hosts International G7 Alliance On Resource Efficiency Workshop on Sustainable Supply Chain Management
By Gary Liss, Gary Liss & Associates, 04/14/16
With support from The Northern California Recycling Association, U.S. Zero Waste Business Council and Zero Waste USA, I attended the first G7 Alliance on Resource Efficiency workshop held in the United States. The Alliance, founded at the June 2015 G7 Summit, is a forum to share knowledge, create information networks across G7 countries, and encourage collaboration with businesses – large and small, and relevant stakeholders to advance resource efficiency, promote voluntary best practices and foster innovation. The G7 countries are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States; the European Union is also represented.

Hosted by the USEPA, the workshop was held in the Washington, DC area on March 22-23, 2016. Over 150 dignitaries, corporate and government leaders and non-governmental organizations were invited to participate by Mathy Stanislaus, Assistant Administrator for Land and Emergency Response, the highest ranking person in the USEPA responsible for solid waste and recycling. The meeting focus was the use of life cycle concepts in supply chain management to achieve resource efficiency. The automotive industry was showcased as an example where resource efficiency efforts have been pursued.

Speakers from the U.S. included Mr. Stanislaus, Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy and representatives from General Motors, Toyota North America, Ford, 3M, General Electric, Mars Corporation, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Energy, Johnson Controls, University of Tennessee UN Environmental Program, US Business Council on Sustainable Development,  Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council and the Materials Marketplace, Stuffstr, Novelis Aluminum, Suppliers Partnership for the Environment. Bob Gedert, Austin Resource Recovery, and I were the key Zero Waste advocates there – in addition to leading Zero Waste businesses GM and Toyota. Bob was also there as President of the National Recycling Coalition.

The first day focused on upstream issues, and how to address resource efficiency in product design. It was one of the most exhaustive discussions I’ve ever heard on these issues. In addition to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) like GM and Toyota, they had several auto parts recycling speakers. The latter provided some great ideas like asking the OEMs to label parts and participate in a database that would facilitate the use of salvaged and remanufactured parts. The remanufactured parts speaker suggested OEMs help promote these parts as “good as new”, as they are of the same quality and functionality and carry the same warranty as new. A presenter from Japan highlighted that remanufactured auto parts are used significantly more in the U.S. than in Japan, and they are trying to figure out why. One factor is that U.S. insurance companies allow remanufactured parts to replace broken ones. The discussion also highlighted how insurance companies could be a key partner in fostering reuse, and how that industry is championing addressing climate change – due in part to the potential catastrophic losses they may have to cover.

In the smaller group discussions, many ideas were presented and discussed how life cycle analyses (LCAs) and the more general life cycle management approach (LCM) could help with designing for resource efficiency. One of the best models was how 3M uses LCAs and LCM in evaluating new products. Traditional LCAs are very costly and time consuming, and not needed for all products. For 3M, they developed LCMs as a less rigorous tool that’s more of a checklist then the detailed analysis that would be done as part of a LCA.

I asked if a LCA yielded a result that recommended an approach inconsistent with Zero Waste, could they go beyond the LCA outcome? I highlighted the classic case shared by David Allaway of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, of a flexible, non-recyclable pouch being the better container for coffee than a steel can after a LCA was conducted. I suggested that manufactures could go beyond accepting a non-recyclable product and work on designing one that was reusable, recyclable or compostable. (For example, OSC2 of Piedmont, CA is working to develop a backyard compostable pouch for organic food products.) 3M responded that LCAs are only one of many tools used in evaluating new products and they could certainly go beyond LCA conclusions. 3M also noted that there has been an effort globally to develop a consistent framework for conducting LCAs that is due to be completed this year. That effort is also working to develop a simpler, more accessible LCM approach.

The second day, the focus was more on how to improve resource efficiency at product end of use and end of life. was an intriguing example of how new software/social media may assist consumers in tracking the value of their stuff, and where to recover the highest value when ready to discard it – whether selling as is, as repurposed, or recycled, depending on its condition.

In a small group discussion on Zero Waste and maximizing the value of discarded materials, after insightful presentations by GM and Toyota, we had a great brainstorm about what could be done, why it wasn’t being done, and what could be done to enhance Zero Waste and resource efficiency. Some of the ideas discussed are listed below in G7 Zero Waste Small Group Brainstorm.

A full USEPA report from the Workshop is due out in June. Mathy Stanislaus will be keynoting the 5th National Zero Waste Business Conference in Austin on June 3 where he will highlight the most significant outcomes from this Workshop.

I’d like to thank NCRA for their support of my participation in this important event. One of the most valuable things we can get from these impressive efforts to promote the circular economy, resource efficiency and Sustainable Materials Management (SMM), is a seat at the table so we can directly encourage businesses to consider Zero Waste in the design of products, packaging and services. If anyone is interested in working more in this area, let me know. I am co-chair of the SMM Committee of the National Recycling Coalition and would like to connect you with others working in this arena. I can be reached at