The Devil We Know Film and Panel Discussion, The New Parkway Oakland, Thursday, 3/21/19, 6:15-8:30pm
From cosmetics to ski wax, frying pans to waterproof jackets, take-out foodware to stain-resistant fabrics, Teflon-like chemicals are found in hundreds of consumer products — and now in the blood of nearly every American. We invite you to learn more about these chemicals so you can protect yourself and your family, and take action to demand protective policies and safer products. The Devil We Know is a documentary that was a favorite at the Sundance Film Festival last year.
Event Schedule:
6:15pm Arrive early to claim your spot and to purchase delicious food and drink!
6:30pm Screening Begins!
8:00pm Brief discussion about what you can do!
RSVP and be sure to arrive by 6:15pm to claim your reserved spot. After 6:15pm, seats will be on a first come, first served basis during the screening.
Co-hosted with SFEnvironment, Clean Water Action Oakland, Center for Environmental Health