Board Meeting Agenda, 6/21/18


Board of Directors Mtg Agenda: 6/21/18

Location: 1455 Market St, San Francisco (SF Dept. of the Environment)
Call in number, 415-554-8755
Trouble getting into building? Call 925-913-0143
Presiding Officer is Treasurer David Krueger

6:30 pm Meeting called to order

6:32 pm Consent Calendar
1) Agenda
2) Minutes from May 17, 2018 BOD meeting

6:35 pm Election of Director to replace Rebecca Jewell and possibly Steve Sherman (Terms end 11/19)

6:45 pm Treasurer’s Report
1) Financial report May 2018
2) Grant Activity: EAB grants (Addition of Gerber to project team)

6:50 pm Administrative Activity
1) Board action items – review of Google sheet
2) Update on BayROC partnership
3) New board member manual

7:15 pm Actions Requiring Discussion/Policy Decisions

1) Zero Waste Food Forum
2) WISR (Women in Solid Waste and Recycling) Survey distribution request
3) Community-based social marketing training in San Francisco in late October. Discount for NCRA members if we promote the training.
4) National Sword
5) Tire Recycling

7:30 pm Actions Requiring Expenditures

Report by Committee: (15-20 mins each)

A) Membership, Engagement & Activities (Bradley/Dewey-Mattia)
1) Update on upcoming tours, mixers, meeting locations

B) Zero Waste Advocacy (Brooms/Moore)

C) Communications Committee (Sinnott)

8:00 pm Roundtable sharing (time permitting)

8:50 pm Adjournment