Annual Members Meeting Agenda, 1/15/15


Annual Members Meeting, 1/15/15
Location: StopWaste Offices, 1537 Webster St, Oakland, CA
Presiding Officer: NCRA President Laura McKaughan

5:30pm Food and Group Sharing
6:00pm Call to Order & Welcome to Members (Connolley & Shapira)
6:02pm Icebreaker
6:30pm Election Committee shares results of recent board election (Marra, Van Deventer)
6:40pm State of NCRA Address (McKaughan)
7:00pm Group break-outs on NCRA areas of priority for 2015
7:30pm Groups are brought back together to do a group share

8:15pm Board meeting commences
8:15 Approval of November’s Meeting Minutes & Approval of Agenda (McKaughan)
8:15 Treasurer’s Report
8:20pm Actions Requiring Discussion/Policy Decisions:
Request to submit EAB proposal for 3 NCRA members (Robinson)
Dates/Location for retreat
Report out by committee on ZWW/RU: Tours, Food, Volunteers, Speakers
ZWYC MOU (Connolly)
Review of proposals submitted by Herrera and Leftwich (McKaughan)
8:45pm Report by Committee if necessary: (2-3 mins each)
Zero Waste Advocacy (Boone, Chair)
Newsletter (Sinnott, Editor)
Membership (Shapira, Co-Chair)
Activities (Figueiredo, Chair)
9:00pm Adjournment