Member Appreciation Picnic A Success!

NCRA Picnic CroquetNCRA took advantage of September 9’s particularly warm weather to host its annual Members Picnic at Lake Temescal in North Oakland, The gathering featured a BBQ spread, iced beverages and a little bocce ball and croquet. The event was well attended and successful in getting the word out. The food was awesome, the waste was minimal and the weather participated (albeit a bit hot).A sincere thank you to all that made it out. Great job Membership Committee – Jessica Connolly, Tomer Shapira and Lori Marra. Thanks to Jessica for the cool poster, to Portia Sinnott and Diedre Tubb helping with the promotions, and to Lori, Diedre and Jenny Cutter for game supportDid you take photos? Please send them to and we will add them to the gallery below. So far we have 4.Our next gathering of this nature will be the holiday party in December. Stay tuned!Jeff and Betsy?Wide ShotLaura and Randy