Urban Ore Reusable Business Model, 8/13

Tonight’s show will be a little different, as our regular ZWAC Show host, John Moore, is away this month.

We’re thrilled to welcome the bright and inquisitive Susan Kinsella, Executive Director of Recycling Archives, who will be stepping in to interview the owners of the renowned Berkeley salvage and reuse retail store, Urban Ore. Since its founding in 1980, Urban Ore has consistently diverted nearly 8,000 tons of landfill-bound material annually for reuse! This exemplary business truly values people, profit, and the planet.

Dr. Daniel Knapp and Mary Lou Van Deventer will discuss Urban Ore‘s operations and share stories from the past that have contributed to its success.

They will also explore how and why their model can be replicated across the U.S.
We hope you can join us tonight, or stay tuned for the recording to be published on our YouTube Channel in the following weeks.

The recording is found here 👉 []