Be at the heart of a thought-leading recycling organization! NCRA has been a leader in zero waste thinking for almost 40 years and is still leading and inspiring innovation in our industry. You can help develop the cutting edge of recycling, while getting to know many of your regional recycling colleagues, by serving on the Board of Directors.

Five (5) Board positions will be open in January. It’s a two-year working post. Attendance at nearly all ten meetings a year is important, as is working between meetings on at least one committee. Meetings move around the greater Bay Area. Phone participation is possible at some locations, but not all, and may be especially difficult at tour sites. Directors discuss policy issues, hear debates, and influence regional and national recycling thinking. They track and comment on legislation; listen to leaders in the regional industry; work on behalf of colleagues who need a boost; tackle issues that can’t be ignored; tour facilities; and talk business with operators. Benefits include free entrance to the annual Recycling Update.

Notify NCRA staff by NOVEMBER 17, 2017 that you want to run.  To run, tell us you’re a candidate, and then submit a campaign statement of up to 200 words. Say who you are and why you’d like to serve. Please include your LinkedIn profile link. PLEASE read last years statements.

Help build your industry! Have fun with your colleagues! Get your statement in!

NCRA and SWANA GRC Fall Happy Hour

NCRA and SWANA GRC Fall Happy Hour

Uproar Brewing Company, San Jose

Thursday, October 5th, 4:30pm-7:00

Join the Northern California Recycling Association and Solid Waste Association of North America’s Gold Rush Chapter for a happy hour mixer and a chance to meet and mingle with others with similar interests! 

The event is Thursday, October 5th from 4:30-7:00pm at the Uproar Brewing Company in downtown San Jose.  This is a new brewery in San Jose in a hip, laid-back warehouse-style space. Parking is validated from ParkSJ parking garages, and there is also metered street parking available. It’s about a 20 min transit trip from the Diridon Caltrain station. There are also stops nearby for bus and light rail.

Appetizers and the first round of drinks will be provided (sponsored by NCRA and SWANA Gold Rush Chapter). All members and potential members are welcome. Please feel free to share this with other professionals in the environmental industry, and college students interested in our industry.

No RSVP is required. We hope to see you there!

Recycle Bicycle Tour of West Oakland! 11/11/17


Saturday, November 11th, 10:30 am – 1pm Recycle Bicycle Tour of West Oakland hosted by Northern California Recycling Association

Hop on a bicycle and explore the community of West Oakland through the lens of recycling.  Participants will have the opportunity to meet other biking recyclers, take in views of the Bay from a pristine park at the Port of Oakland, and understand the unique history of an area that hosts many of the Bay Area’s recyclers and Zero Waste innovators. End the tour at Old Kan Beer for drinks & food.

Meet at Frank H. Ogawa Plaza at 14th and Broadway in Downtown Oakland directly in front of City Hall at 10:30 am. 

FREE REGISTRATION HERE for the new tour date of 11/11